Naruto Chapter 592


Orochimaru, why won’t you just stay dead? It’s been a while since his death, right? because I can’t even remember how he died or the circumstances under which he was killed by Sasuke. But I do feel sorry for him when I think of how he went from being one of the Great Three of Konoha to the enemy of the entire village.

At this point, with Madara still alive and in full control over his body, it really does seem hopeless. It wouldn’t make sense for the Five Kages to suddenly pull something and beat Madara. He’s too powerful to go down that way. I’m really expecting for the Five Kages to lose or at least receive some type of reinforcement because there’s no way determination and the will to beat Madara will get them through. They could barely even put a scratch on Madara while they’re all beaten up and barely hanging on there.

Or I could be wrong and the strength of their determination will overcome all odds allowing them to create the ultimate plan to defeat Madara with just the five of them on the brink of death. It’s plausible in the world of shonen manga.

Natsuyuki Rendezvous OP, Yuya Matsushita

OMGGGGGG, I am so excited. I just watched the OP and realized Yuya is singing it. I adore him so much. <3 I have been his fan for several years ever since I saw a video of his performance as Sebastian in the Kuroshitsuji musical. He was so lovely and his voice was really power in the musical especially when he sang “Yes, My Lord”. I just instantly fell in love with him.

Many of Yuya’s songs focus on love so I think he’s the perfect choice. There’s also something about his sweet voice that just makes the song so heartwarming and it fits Natsuyuki Rendezvous. Now, I really can’t wait for to see Natsuyuki.

AMVs: Sailor Moon

This is going to be something new. I’ll link amvs (anime music videos) wherever I find good ones. There are many AMVs out there that don’t get much attention so hopefully these posts will give them the attention that they deserve.

For today, there are two.
[Re-Evo] Luminous

The creator of this AMV is Metallilyn who is part of Re-Evolution Studios.
The scenes chosen combined with the catchy song create a video that is very entertaining. I remember a couple of months ago when it was uploaded, I basically destroyed the replay button. The first time I saw this video, I didn’t really pay much attention to the song until the second time around, I was hooked. The song “No Light, No Light” is a perfect song that really brings out the emotions of the scenes especially at the end where Sailor Moon seems to have this emotionless expression. The song really captures the fight and the hopelessness of the situation.

[Re-Evo] Illuminate – Prequel to Luminous

Again, Metallilyn is the creator of this AMV. This second AMV focuses more of presenting Sailor Moon and the others feeling utmost despair and desperation to a resolute determination to continue the fight. The slow tempo of the song compliments the theme of the video very well.

I like Luminous better just because the song is much more upbeat than Illuminate. These videos make me want to continue watching Sailor Moon again and I just might do so in the near future. Watching these AMVs bring back so many childhood memories. <3

Make sure to check out these videos and subscribe to Metallilyn to be updated on videos that may be uploaded in the future if you like the style.

Arcana Famiglia Ep 1: a variety of bishies

Pache <3. He’s my favorite for now since he’s voiced by Tomokazu Sugita. He looks so cute with crumbs on his face. ahah.

There’s about six of them that have Arcana powers, I think. There’s a lot of characters and they were all introduced in the first ep so I can’t remember exactly how many there were. Does the bald guy and Papa count? Lol. They might be a but too old. There definitely a variety of flat characters. I hope they’ll get a chance to flesh out but it may not happen. There’s a dude with an eyepatch too. I have say, Pache is my favorite.

The direction this series is going in is focusing on the Arcana Duello between the members who have Arcana powers. All who hold an Arcana power will be fighting for the right to be the Papa and to marry/not marry Felicita. This screams cliche. The tournament is simply an excuse used to provide over the top action and showcasing the bishes that this show has to offer.

For some reason, I’m really anal about the way information was presented and the Arcana powers of each individual was introduced was just too forceful. Other than the name of each individual’s powers and a general sentence of its function, nothing else is explained. We aren’t even given details regarding the origins and purpose of such powers.

With only 12 episodes, I wonder how good this will actually be. Overall, it’s more comedic and lighthearted but the jokes aren’t that funny. You might giggle but if you’re looking for outright laughter to the point of not being able to breathe, look else where. But I like the use of Italian, it’s Italian, right?

Rating: Good/Enjoyable, missing some elements 3-/5
This series is definitely one for entertainment and fussing over bishies but may not delve further to make it a memorable/worthwhile series. If this series had some blood, I would’ve given it a solid 3.

Brief enounter with an old lady

so this is a picture I found off of google, I’ll update this with a picture of the library’s manga shelf on my next visit.

Recently, I’ve visited my local library to volunteer and Tuesday was one of the days that I volunteer on. I always head straight to the manga section and work on putting them back in alphabetical order and straightening them up. Even though I’m not suppose to, I tend to pick up a manga title that may look interesting and browse through it. After I’m done, I put it back and continue my work.

So as I was working, this lady who is quite old, a senior citizen, is another volunteer and is performing her task. She deals with the pick list which is where she pulls books off the shelves that are on the list that other people have requested through the online services. She heads up to the manga section to pull some books off. She wasn’t able to find a book and so I offered to help her look for the X Men series vol 3. She sat down on the little bench in front of the manga section while continuing to search for items on her list. Next up was Shugo Chara Vol 11.

It’s only been about five or ten minutes and I thought I should try to say something to her and so I asked the first question that came to my mind, “have you ever read any of these mangas before?”. I shouldn’t have asked. I had the slightest hope that maybe this lady would be open-minded because of the fact that she was an adult but I was wrong. She replied with a laugh characterized by disbelief that I would even ask such a question and said “are you kidding me? no, no way. I would never”.

Right after she said this I thought, but old people in Japan actually enjoy manga and animes like One Piece or so I’ve read somewhere. I really wanted to say this to her but it wouldn’t have made a difference. She would’ve passed my comment off as simply a childish attempt at defending the value of manga.

It’s made me want to reconsider whether I would want to let others know of my passion for anime and manga if they can’t at least respect it.

Behind the title of Guilty Crown

The Void Ranking System is intriguing in that I wonder how they’ll treat those with high ranked voids as compared to the lower ranked ones. Will the lower ranked ones be cared for since they’re “not as strong and won’t be able to fight” or will they be abandoned since they’re “practically useless if Shu can’t use them in battle”? Seeing as Yahiro is the one who came up with it, I’m thinking the latter will be more likely the scenario that plays out.

I started pondering about the meaning behind the series’ title, Guilty Crown.

Some of the lyrics:
This is My Guilty Crown
I’ll fight for what I believe
This is My Guilty Crown
I’ll fight with my friends to set my friends free

This is strictly my own interpretation.
Continue reading

Phi Brain: Ep 1

Overall Impression:
Puzzles can be precarious by endangering lives and that’s what Kaito hates. It makes the solving of puzzles badass and intense especially when there are things at risk. I’m interested in a few of the characters and what their stance is in terms of allies of the protagonist or his enemies. What is it that Kaito can now accomplish by fulfilling Orpheus’ contract. It seems that Einstein wasn’t able to fulfill the contract but Kaito was, so does that make Kaito smart than Einstein? I’m interested in seeing how they’ll portray Kaito’s intelligence that can’t be matched at this point.

I’m having issues with Nonoha as a character and her purpose in the series. Somehow, I find that she’s just there to cause trouble for Kaito and for him to bail her out when necessary. Also, I don’t really like the way the characters look, their character designs aren’t all that great. The animation isn’t as nice as I thought it would be.

Main Characters:
Kaito: He’s smart and it makes me jealous. There’s something about his hair that just doesn’t sit right with me. He’s suppose to be possibly the smartest man alive and yet I didn’t get that kind of vibe as I watched the episode. Him fulfilling the Orpheus contract didn’t have much of an impact on me. I was expecting more; hopefully the next episode will be different.

Nonoha: Her very first lines were: ‘I even made him breakfast and went and pick him up!’ in a whiny voice and I knew right away that I wouldn’t like her. It turns out that I don’t like her at all.
When she volunteered to go with him to the Sage Puzzle, I knew that she would cause him trouble. She almost died because she rushed in with such eagerness after Kaito’s warnings. Her only good points are that she’s able to help Kaito out with her good memory and her kicks.

Favorite Scene:

I wasn’t expecting it so it surprised me a bit but then I found it kind of childish and adorable.

Final Verdict: I’ll watch the next episode since there seems to be a dude who sounds crazy.

Kimi to Boku: Ep 1

Overall impression:

This series is pretty much slice-of-life type of anime. I’m assuming it’s going to tell the story of their 17th spring together. There were a few scenes that were pretty funny and had me laughing but not enough to classify it as a comedy series. It was interesting how cats were used to somewhat represent them and their actions. The exchanges between characters like Kaname and Yuki are fun to watch especially when they’re bickering and insulting each other. Kaname seems to be a bit flustered when their sensei walked over and talked to them. He didn’t say much and turned away from the group, it’s cute. Maybe he has a crush on their sensei, I’d like to see what happens. I want to see how this series will portray friendship and how their friendship will turn out after they go through their 17th spring together, hah. I’m interested in how their friendship will develop and how they develop relationships with others outside of their group.


Shun: He’s very gentle and I’d say he’s a bit timid. He’s basically the one who mediates when there’s a conflict between the others in their group of friends. The one thing that I have a problem with him is his hair. Why must it be long? It just doesn’t look good. I had mistaken him for being a girl until I heard him speak.

Kaname: Man, this dude complains so much. He gets so stressed out, so tense, so pissed at the most useless things ever. But, he was cute as a kid. He has furrowed brows and his face looks so tense.

Yuta: Yuki’s older twin brother. He combs Shun’s long hair… I wonder if he’s athletic too. He doesn’t seem to fight with Kaname verbally as much as Yuki does. I’m sure he and Yuki cares a lot for Shun but I’m not sure about how they feel towards Kaname.

Yuki: Yuta’s younger twin brother. This dude seems to be the one who engages in verbal arguments with Kaname the most. He just can’t live without arguing with Kaname about the smallest things. He’s surprisingly athletic for being so lazy and he loves anime and manga.

Favorite Scene:

Lol, the twins are so awesome. Their glares are so cute~

Final Verdict: I’m definitely going to keep up with this series.

No. 6: Ep 3- More BL moments~

This episode has more BL moments than the first and second episode combined and I’m content… so far. I want more of those cute moments, haha. I didn’t expect for Nezumi to be that touchy with Shion considering his personality but it was nice– it had me squealing for more.

It was interesting to learn that there are services provided to those that live outside the city such as the hotel and dogs as heaters. It made me realize a few characteristics of Shion’s when the dogs stopped acting aggressive and warmed up to him. It shows that deep down, he really is a good person if people didn’t already know and that he won’t falter– at least when facing a pack of aggressive dogs.

It seems that some people dislike Nezumi because of his cruel thoughts of wanting No.6 to collapse and suffer. Yes, he sounds cruel for wanting everyone to die and going on about it being something that he’ll enjoy but we don’t know his past and his real reason for wanting the city to go down so badly. Therefore, I will not judge whether he’s evil and truly cruel until Nezumi’s past is revealed–if it ever gets touched upon by the anime.

Nurarihyon no Mago: Sennen Makyou- Ep Two and Three

Episode Two

What a horrible brother claiming that the only one to be able to deceive Yura is him.  He’s so egocentric thinking that his words are laws and that if he claims yokais to be evil, then they are absolute evil.

I wonder if  Ryuji  knows or even cares about the Nura Clan and Rikuo being head of the Nura clan. I hope he doesn’t just group all yokai into one single group although he’s already done that by calling them all evil. I would think that Rikuo is on par with Yura’s brother in terms of power and strength but he probably doesn’t think that. He probably believes that he’s better than Rikuo and he’ll be in for a surprise.

Episode Three:

To me, this exchange of dialogue between Rikuo and Ryuji was the highlight of the show. It suggests that Nurarihyon and the Keikain family may have some special and possibly friendly relationship despite their traditionally opposing forces due to them being their respective races.

Rikuo was getting himself beaten up. It was a one-sided fight and he would’ve been seriously injured by Mamiru if Ryuji hadn’t ordered him to stop. I wonder if Rikuo can get stronger by training because he seriously needs to train.

The next episode will focus on the past and it’s something that I don’t mind. It’s about time we got some information on the past and how Nurarihyon was able to meet with his human wife.